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Dec 18, 2020

You’d think making a choice would be easy. 

Which option feels the most aligned with your intentions for your future. 


Okay… maybe it’s not that simple. 

You make a choice. 

‘Yes, that’s what I’m going to do’. 

And then it starts… 


Is that the really the right choice for me?

Join me for...

Dec 14, 2020

Welcome to The Re-Enchant Your Life Podcast with me, Rebecca Anuwen.

Last week in the SHEro Toolkit, we looked at the symbolism of The Compass and the importance of aligning with your own inner compass.

Today, we move on to the card, The Campfire, and giving yourself what you need.

Where in your life do you need to give...

Dec 11, 2020

Join me for the latest episode of The Re-Enchant Your Life Podcast where we'll be tapping into your intuition.

Let’s face it, it can be hard to know what we really want.

I’ve had way too many women burst into tears when I’ve asked them that exact question.

“What do you want?”

Whether it’s life purpose...

Dec 8, 2020

Welcome to The Re-Enchant Your Life Podcast with me, Rebecca Anuwen.

I'm back with some inspiration and intuitive guidance for your week ahead.

Today, we move on to the card, The Compass and aligning with your own inner compass.

Where in your life do you need to align with your own truth?

Perhaps you've been doing,...

Dec 4, 2020

Years ago, I was listening to a radio interview with Ray Mears, an outdoor survival expert, and someone had asked him how to get the most out of their up-coming trip to the jungle.

His response has always stayed with me.

Not because I’m off to the jungle, but because they’re words to live by, especially...